Thursday, May 6, 2010

6 month blog

WEll, here is it 6 months after I last blogged. Have had a rough several months. I had to put my little dog Jazz to sleep, and at the same I had to put my 14 year old cat, Chloe to sleep. They kind of crossed over the Rainbow bridge together. My goodness,, A dog, a cat, and a horse had to be put down since 2007.. I now only have one cat and one dog. **and I am cat sitting with 2 cats for my granddaughter* who moved to The Netherlands in Sept. 2009. She will pick them up this month when they come back to Texas for a visit . I have sold all my horses, horse trailer, roundpen, and various other horse items.
Have been physically falling apart in the past 6 months.. Just last month, I had a heart stent, and they found that I have an "anomaly". One of my coronary arteries is in the wrong spot. and they think it is getting "pinched", causing weakness and shortness of breath. so today I had a CT scan of my heart/chest. A 5 minute test, but all the preprarations take 4 hours. register, lab, wait, register in radiology,
wait, take a pill to lower heart rate below 60, wait 1 hour, wait, then go do the test.

I don't think my body likes a heart rate of 50 to 55..I feel like I can hardly move.
But, am doing okay now.
My first great grand son, Hayden just turned 3..can you believe how quickly they grow up. His mom, Meagan just had surgery on her wrist. She lives in Ft Campbell, KY, with her army husband Shug. and...she just told us that they are being transferred to another army ...Hawaii....Ihave always wanted to go there.

Here's my chance. they go in October. I think he will go first, get a house, etc, and make sure their belongings get there, and when all is set up, she and Hayden will fly over, and she wants to fly out of Houston,Tx, so she will probably drive down this way, stay a while, then fly to Hawaii...She has already planned to have Christmas at her house this year. We were talking one year about the family getting together and going somewhere sunny and warm for Christmas So, here's our chance..Guess we better start saving up for the trip.
Can you believe the weather this past winter. I live in South Texas for goodness sakes, and it snowed 3 times here ....3 times...good grief. ..It used to snow every 13 years when I was a kid, but that was 70 years ago...well I'm 70 now, but regardless
every 13 years. how exciting that was. and now,, it snowed 3 times. My friend in Colorado has had more snow this past winter than he has ever had in the 25 years he has lived there. Now, today, it was 92 degrees...where's the snow????
So, guess that is it for me for a while. I will have news after the Netherland's group comes and goes. Hope everyone is well and happy. maxine