Saturday, November 7, 2009

Long time from last post

Jazz in her red jacket.

well, it's been a while since I have blogged. I have been following several others blogs, and they have great sites. Mine is so plain. Wish I was computer smart enough to design a great blog site, like with pictures, and funny stories..But alas, I cannot. So this will be just plain old me blogging a bit.

Not much has happened in my life since my last blog. Just hanging out at the house for the most part. Have been making jewelry for me and some friends, necklaces and bracelets and earrings. Also made some horse necklaces to take to the feed store to sell. Passes the time anyway. Then, with the dog having skin problems, have to bathe her every 3 days, and give medicine twice a day. So hopefully she will recover from her problems.

My family members in Kentucky are well, my daughters are great I in Texas city the other in Kansas. and the family in The Netherlands are busy busy..just moved into their house. a BIG house...3 stories. Hope they don't lose the kids in that big house. Alexa can really hide from her mom now.

Can you believe I have nothing to talk about? Same oldf stuff ..Life goes one and on.

I don't go out on the road on the weekends. We have Renissance Festival going on every week end, and the traffic is terrible coming and going. So best to stay home and watch movies. or clean house??? I am going to start a junk pile, a sell pile , a give away pile, and a burn pile soon. It is just hard to get rid of some things you have had for so many years. But, I do have some things I am going to sell on line, probably E-bay. I have heard some bad things about the popular C----'s list.

Like people come out to see what you have, then come back and rob you. Scary, but most old ladies have big guns to deter that kind of behavior.

Well, guess that is about it..Exciting huh???

Hope you all have a great day. ...Me, the Mema in Texas.

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