Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 4...

Today was a very rainy one here. It started raining at noon yesterday, and has continued to rain off and on all night last night, all day today, with a big 2 inches of rain this afternoon and early evening. So I was again homebound all day. So more of doing the "spring" cleaning..I am a bit late. Washing all the sheets on the guest bedroom beds, and the quilts and blankets. Oh my..what a job...!! but with the rain, I can't go outside so may as well do laundry.

So today was laundry day, and I made a few more necklaces with the turquoise beads I bought in Cortez,Co. and a Russian Jade necklace and earrings. All in all I have made 5 necklaces and earring sets this weekend, along with picking up the house, and watching TV and being on the computer, and making Taco Soup for Dinner. So quick and easy and good. with a big glass of very cold milk and saltine crackers.

I have my beading table set up in front of a window, with my sewing machine, and I have watched the outside kittens try to catch a mole for some of the day when it wasn't raining.

So funny to see them "pounce" on the ground and start digging try to catch the mole, which they never catch it. it is probably in the next tunnel and laughing at them. But hopefully, they will continue to hunt. They are not my cats, so I try not to feed them too much, or they will quit hunting all together, and they keep the country mice out of the barn and the house.

So, other than the above, this day has been very much like all the rest of my days....

I can do whatever I want to do and when I want to do it.

Baklava is on the menu for tomorrow..Have never made it, so thought I would give it a try. , along with a chicken pot pie, made in 4 - 12 oz ramekins so I can freeze the 3 I won't eat for dinner. So tomorrow is grocery day, and cooking day. Have decided to learn to do some gourmet cooking in my spare time. I remember a trip I took to Tarpon Springs, Fl, and I went out on a sponge boat, ate my first calamari , saw my first "live" sponge, and ate my first bite of Baklava.

Oh my goodness it was heaven and just melted in your mouth. So after 25 years, I am going to tackle the task of making it. I will take pictures for posterity. (If it truly comes to pass that it gets made). and if it is delicious..., I ma make it for Christmas. depends on how hard it is to make.

My next challenge will be Beef Wellington. Ohhh...yum...

Am having a birthday party for myself on Saturday. Oct. 10. wish my family could be here, but seems they are out of State, busy or out of the Country. Just hopefully they can come to my 75 th.

Well, guess it is time to start locking up, and closing down the farm for the night. Last call for the dogs to go outside, doors locked and lights out. Well in about an hour. I just looked at the clock, and it is only 8:18 pm here in the piney woods of Texas.

good night to all, and Love to my family members.

**always tell your family you love them** who knows that may be the last time you can tell them.
Mema from Texas a.k.a. Maxine

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