Saturday, October 17, 2009

what to say today.?

Well, I do not remember what day of blogging this is...I have had a very routine week...Have been on a cooking kick, so have been trying out new recipes on my cousins and friends. Mostly chicken dishes, anbd I did a Baklava, which by the way turned out very good. I cut them in small cubes..They are so rich, you can only eat one. I know that if I were Greek, or worked in a Greek pastry shop, and I had to be around Baklava, I would be really fat..moreso than what I am now.
But, I plan to do the real diet soon. being the one that works, what ever that one may be..Have a doctor's appointment next week, and we are going to discuss weight loss in the older person..I know he has a special one for his younger patients, so he better just adjust it for this "older" person. I must lose some of this weight I am carrying around. I can hardly breathe.
Friday went to the other side of Tomball with friends to pick up some Australian Stock saddles..Nice looking..very comfortable saddles. and inexpensive when you buy from the supplier.
Talked with Lindsay..well IM'd with her. Saw the pictures of the house they are moving into, wow, a mansion..3 stories, 5 bedrooms..Think I'll check with them, and see if I can move in with them and be their Nanny/cook/ housekeeper.
Of course being the Nanny would be very easy..I do love those kids. and their parents. I am definately going to save up enough money to go visit next year.
and hopefully go to Germany, France and England while there..Would like to take a train ride and see the countryside..Since my roots are in Germany, I would like to go through there and see the countryside.
But for the most part, I want to just stay around their house and love on those kids. but, do want to see some of the country they live next year, I am sure they will know where to go, and the good places to see.
Saturday, today was such a beautiful day here. In the 50's , with clear blue skies..not a cloud in the sky, and a light breeze. This was just a perfect day ..afternoon was cool, in the 60's, just right for sitting outside and enjoying the weather and sunshine at a friends house on a hill in the country.
Just a get together of friends and family for Greg's big 50th Birthday. BBQ, and all the normal side orders that go with it, and of course sweet iced tea.
Then home to finish up the laundry...which everytime I do a load now, I think of Lindsay having to wait for each load to was and dry before strting another load..Bet she will be glad to get her own w/d, and especially to get moved into their house.
Cats are taking me over..inside and out...7 outside kitties..6 of which belong to the neighbor and one that adopted Alexa and me. Her name being Meow Meow Kitty. That is what Alexa named her. and the 4 inside cats, 2 of which are Lindsay and Chris' and 2 that are mine.
That is about it for the week. Maybe next week will be more exciting, but at my age, too much excitement may not be good. I do wish there was just a little ore excitement though..I do plan to join a riding club so that I will have someone to ride with. Riding a horse alone at my age is not a great idea. the ground is very hard on old bones if you fall off.
So, everyone that reads this, have a good one. and If I can think of something to write about tomorrow, I will do so.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Thank you for your wonderful compliment on my blog - I have no idea how you found it, but I'm glad you did!

    Congratulations on starting your own blog! Its something like exercise - you have to make yourself do it every day. If you run out of things to say, go online and find "prompts" - or read other blogs for inspiration.

    Since you have grandkids - tell your life stories...tell what it was like growing up - or how you met your husband - what it was like going to school....your family will love to have the written history of your life! And you'll get your "mental" exercise in each day!

    Good luck with blogging - be sure to check by mine and leave comments - I LOVE feedback! And thanks again for the compliments!

    Sherri (Drama Queen)
