Saturday, November 7, 2009

Long time from last post

Jazz in her red jacket.

well, it's been a while since I have blogged. I have been following several others blogs, and they have great sites. Mine is so plain. Wish I was computer smart enough to design a great blog site, like with pictures, and funny stories..But alas, I cannot. So this will be just plain old me blogging a bit.

Not much has happened in my life since my last blog. Just hanging out at the house for the most part. Have been making jewelry for me and some friends, necklaces and bracelets and earrings. Also made some horse necklaces to take to the feed store to sell. Passes the time anyway. Then, with the dog having skin problems, have to bathe her every 3 days, and give medicine twice a day. So hopefully she will recover from her problems.

My family members in Kentucky are well, my daughters are great I in Texas city the other in Kansas. and the family in The Netherlands are busy busy..just moved into their house. a BIG house...3 stories. Hope they don't lose the kids in that big house. Alexa can really hide from her mom now.

Can you believe I have nothing to talk about? Same oldf stuff ..Life goes one and on.

I don't go out on the road on the weekends. We have Renissance Festival going on every week end, and the traffic is terrible coming and going. So best to stay home and watch movies. or clean house??? I am going to start a junk pile, a sell pile , a give away pile, and a burn pile soon. It is just hard to get rid of some things you have had for so many years. But, I do have some things I am going to sell on line, probably E-bay. I have heard some bad things about the popular C----'s list.

Like people come out to see what you have, then come back and rob you. Scary, but most old ladies have big guns to deter that kind of behavior.

Well, guess that is about it..Exciting huh???

Hope you all have a great day. ...Me, the Mema in Texas.

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Friday

Well here it is Friday, October 23, 2009. I have been reading some of the posts on facebook, and most are young people who work and are glad it is Friday and they will be off for 2 days. Yea for them. I am off everyday. These "golden years" are not what they are cracked up to be. You see, when you are young, you are longing for the "golden years" to get here, and when you are "in the golden years", you are saying to yourself, I wish I had my youth back, for I would have done things differently. When you get to my stage in life, your children are all moved out of the house, you are on social security, and hopefully you have some kind of retirement plan. to supplement the SS check, your home should be paid for, as should your primary vehicle. So, you say to yourself...well, here I am, a widow, everything paid for, in my "golden" years, and now what? Body is wearing out, or already worn out from years of standing on your feet being a nurse for 30 years, arthritis has set in to the joints, aleady had one thumb joint replaced and need the other one done, and now need a knee replaced. What next ?Already had a heart stent put in..Golden Years???? What exactly are the Golden Years. ??
I thought they were the years when you and your partner had retired and were going to travel and go to the places you had planned to go when you were young and working and planning and saving for your golden years. Now, you are there ..children gone and have their own lives, doing their own thing...Now what happens, your spouse/partner becomes ill and you must be there for him, then after many years of taking care of him, the house, the yard, the animals , he dies. You are now alone in a strange place because you moved away from the coast of Texas to get away from the hurricanes,and now you are truly alone, except for the animals, which tie you down. Golden years Aghhhhhhhhhhhh.
Give me back my youth, my knees, my thumbs, my joints, my thin frame, my happiness,
So, I am now a 70 year old widow, twice, overweight, gray hair, alone, lonesome, lonely, looking for a "special friend" to talk with, have dinner with, spend time with. Just the lack of the touch of another human being, along with not hearing the voice of another human being, is like, I would think, being in solitary confinement. Therefore, my TV is on all day, just for the noise.
Oh well, guess I better pull myself up by the boot strings, and start living again.
Will try to find that special friend to keep me company and me to keep him company in our older years . So, better lose this weight, get new clothes, and go find that guy..but, he must be self sufficient, able to take care of himself, and me if needed, for I would surely take care of him if need be. Guess that is why God put me here, to be a caregiver of those that need it. and I am sure he will send my caregiver to me in good time.
Well, my family is great. The g-daughter in Ky,with my g-g-son is doing well, but sad news that she may not be home for Thanksgiving. My oldest daughter is in Ks with her youngest daughter, will be home for Thanksgiving, but probably not for Christmas, my youngest daughter in Tx, right now on her way to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for some warm and sun, and my other g-daughter in Holland is doing well with her hubby and my 2 g-g children. Should be moving into their house next week.
We are spread out all over the world.
Out of here to go feed the animals.
Everyone who reads this, please have a great day. and become one of my followers so I can see who is reading this.
and if you are that "special friend" let me know.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

what to say today.?

Well, I do not remember what day of blogging this is...I have had a very routine week...Have been on a cooking kick, so have been trying out new recipes on my cousins and friends. Mostly chicken dishes, anbd I did a Baklava, which by the way turned out very good. I cut them in small cubes..They are so rich, you can only eat one. I know that if I were Greek, or worked in a Greek pastry shop, and I had to be around Baklava, I would be really fat..moreso than what I am now.
But, I plan to do the real diet soon. being the one that works, what ever that one may be..Have a doctor's appointment next week, and we are going to discuss weight loss in the older person..I know he has a special one for his younger patients, so he better just adjust it for this "older" person. I must lose some of this weight I am carrying around. I can hardly breathe.
Friday went to the other side of Tomball with friends to pick up some Australian Stock saddles..Nice looking..very comfortable saddles. and inexpensive when you buy from the supplier.
Talked with Lindsay..well IM'd with her. Saw the pictures of the house they are moving into, wow, a mansion..3 stories, 5 bedrooms..Think I'll check with them, and see if I can move in with them and be their Nanny/cook/ housekeeper.
Of course being the Nanny would be very easy..I do love those kids. and their parents. I am definately going to save up enough money to go visit next year.
and hopefully go to Germany, France and England while there..Would like to take a train ride and see the countryside..Since my roots are in Germany, I would like to go through there and see the countryside.
But for the most part, I want to just stay around their house and love on those kids. but, do want to see some of the country they live next year, I am sure they will know where to go, and the good places to see.
Saturday, today was such a beautiful day here. In the 50's , with clear blue skies..not a cloud in the sky, and a light breeze. This was just a perfect day ..afternoon was cool, in the 60's, just right for sitting outside and enjoying the weather and sunshine at a friends house on a hill in the country.
Just a get together of friends and family for Greg's big 50th Birthday. BBQ, and all the normal side orders that go with it, and of course sweet iced tea.
Then home to finish up the laundry...which everytime I do a load now, I think of Lindsay having to wait for each load to was and dry before strting another load..Bet she will be glad to get her own w/d, and especially to get moved into their house.
Cats are taking me over..inside and out...7 outside kitties..6 of which belong to the neighbor and one that adopted Alexa and me. Her name being Meow Meow Kitty. That is what Alexa named her. and the 4 inside cats, 2 of which are Lindsay and Chris' and 2 that are mine.
That is about it for the week. Maybe next week will be more exciting, but at my age, too much excitement may not be good. I do wish there was just a little ore excitement though..I do plan to join a riding club so that I will have someone to ride with. Riding a horse alone at my age is not a great idea. the ground is very hard on old bones if you fall off.
So, everyone that reads this, have a good one. and If I can think of something to write about tomorrow, I will do so.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday Bash

Well, had the big 70 birthday bash.. Had only 3 people come. All the others busy...out of town... out of State...out of Country... I missed them. I am just a loney/lonesome/alone OLD lady now.
But, I am going to have an attitude adjustment this week..No more worrying about things that cannot be changed. Do things that "I" want to do. Go places. get rid of some of my debts, and animals, which hold you down from going places you want to go.
So in the next months to come, you will hear from a different Maxine. More at ease, happier, stronger, less critical, . No more whinning.. hopefully weigh less..going to start on a fitness plan.
I am hoping 70 is not to late to get into better shape. and to get closets cleaned out of all things that have not been used, touched, seen in the past 6 months.
So, stay tuned for the next chapter in the ongoing saga of Maxine ..wish I had something as interesting to talk about like Lindsay...Guess I should move to another country...N O T.. I like the good old U S of A.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 4 of Blogging

Well I guess by now you have found that I live a very boring life since i do not have anything to write about. Have been feeling bad for a couple days, cold I think.fever, headache, sore throat.

But I am better today..and did some shopping at Sam's. Got Alexa some fruit snacks that they cannot find in Den Haag. So, am sending them a care package. Just have to add a few more things to the box, and send it on the way. Has her rubber boots in the box. she wears them when she goes outside to play, or when she goes to ride her Power Wheels 4 wheeler, just in case sneaky snake is slithering around in the yard. I live in the piney woods of Plantersville so have to watch out for snakes...copperheads to be exact....So we are very careful about going outside. I go out first for a check on what is in the yard before I let her go out. Look at the boots..they will be on their way to Den Haag tomorrow, stuffed with fruit snacks and Ritz Crackers.
See, I have nothing else to talk about, so until next time,

To everyone that reads this have a great day.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day 4...

Today was a very rainy one here. It started raining at noon yesterday, and has continued to rain off and on all night last night, all day today, with a big 2 inches of rain this afternoon and early evening. So I was again homebound all day. So more of doing the "spring" cleaning..I am a bit late. Washing all the sheets on the guest bedroom beds, and the quilts and blankets. Oh my..what a job...!! but with the rain, I can't go outside so may as well do laundry.

So today was laundry day, and I made a few more necklaces with the turquoise beads I bought in Cortez,Co. and a Russian Jade necklace and earrings. All in all I have made 5 necklaces and earring sets this weekend, along with picking up the house, and watching TV and being on the computer, and making Taco Soup for Dinner. So quick and easy and good. with a big glass of very cold milk and saltine crackers.

I have my beading table set up in front of a window, with my sewing machine, and I have watched the outside kittens try to catch a mole for some of the day when it wasn't raining.

So funny to see them "pounce" on the ground and start digging try to catch the mole, which they never catch it. it is probably in the next tunnel and laughing at them. But hopefully, they will continue to hunt. They are not my cats, so I try not to feed them too much, or they will quit hunting all together, and they keep the country mice out of the barn and the house.

So, other than the above, this day has been very much like all the rest of my days....

I can do whatever I want to do and when I want to do it.

Baklava is on the menu for tomorrow..Have never made it, so thought I would give it a try. , along with a chicken pot pie, made in 4 - 12 oz ramekins so I can freeze the 3 I won't eat for dinner. So tomorrow is grocery day, and cooking day. Have decided to learn to do some gourmet cooking in my spare time. I remember a trip I took to Tarpon Springs, Fl, and I went out on a sponge boat, ate my first calamari , saw my first "live" sponge, and ate my first bite of Baklava.

Oh my goodness it was heaven and just melted in your mouth. So after 25 years, I am going to tackle the task of making it. I will take pictures for posterity. (If it truly comes to pass that it gets made). and if it is delicious..., I ma make it for Christmas. depends on how hard it is to make.

My next challenge will be Beef Wellington. Ohhh...yum...

Am having a birthday party for myself on Saturday. Oct. 10. wish my family could be here, but seems they are out of State, busy or out of the Country. Just hopefully they can come to my 75 th.

Well, guess it is time to start locking up, and closing down the farm for the night. Last call for the dogs to go outside, doors locked and lights out. Well in about an hour. I just looked at the clock, and it is only 8:18 pm here in the piney woods of Texas.

good night to all, and Love to my family members.

**always tell your family you love them** who knows that may be the last time you can tell them.
Mema from Texas a.k.a. Maxine

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 3 of blogging

Well here it is Oct. 3, and only 5 more days to my big # 70 birthday. Wow, can't believe I am that old. No plans for the day, except maybe mow the grass on this place. it is getting so high.
We have had a lot of rain, so grass has really grown, and now, almost out of control on the front acre. Probably need to sell this place soon, and find a place where i do not have to do yard work, or take care of outside animals. But, hopefully I can do this kind of work for a few more years.
My Dad was still doing it right before he died, and he died at 83 years old, so maybe I can live another 13 years if i take after him. but if I take after my Mom, it will be 2010. She died at 70 yrs and 6 months. So, I am shooting for 83+ years.
Miss my family.... kids, grandkids, great grandkids, good friends.
Need a "good " friend that wants to go out to dinner, hang out, tell stories , and grow older with.
wish I could blog like Lindsay, and tell funny stories like she does, but nothing new has happened to me lately that I can write about. I don't have a 3 year old and an 11 month old that do things that need to be written about. I just have 1 horse that tried to walk up the front steps to get in the house, 2 inside dogs, that are now sleeping and snoring as I try to write this, 4 inside cats.
2 are mine, and 2 are Lindsay and Chris'. I am just cat sitting until they decide if they can take them to The Hague, or do what with them.. they are 2 BIG kitties. One is very friendly, the other not so friendly...and 2 kitties are mine, one of which is helping me type this blog, the other is the house B......Not friendly to anyone but me. So 1 horse, 2 dogs, 4 cats...then I have the resident outside cats...7 in all...6 belong to my neighbor, who come to steal food when I feed my 1 outside kitty that adopted me. Being out in the country, we have opossums, racoons, mice, and rats, squirrels, moles, which the cats hunt.
Signing off to take care off til later, or tomorrow

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day two of Blogging

Well, this is my 2nd blog..My first one is lost somewhere. I cannot find it.
I talked with My Alexa today. She is in The Hague..on the other side of the world.
I miss her soo very much. I just hope I will still be around when she gets back to Texas.
We are a pair, a 3 year old and a 70 year old. but we get along great.
Wish I could get to know Hayden, my Kentucky great grandson. I am not around him too much.
He has been in Texas over 2 months, and I have only see him a few times. I live in the piney woods of Plantersville Texas, and I don't blame his mother for wanting to be in the city. It can be a bit boring up here if you don't like the country.but I do wish they would have stayed longer with me.
Signing off for the evening.
Mema from Texas